Favorite Wrestlemania and Match?

Favorite WrestleMania event and match
I got into wwe about 20 years ago. WrestleMania 20 was very special to me and very nostalgia to me but it not my favorite WrestleMania. WrestleMania 17 isn't my favorite and probably my 5th favorite because I just didn't think Austin turning heel was a good idea and left a bad taste but it's a great WrestleMania. I can review that WrestleMania if you want me to. My second favorite is 19, but my favorite WrestleMania is WrestleMania 18. I liked the card top to bottom. But I was really hooked because of the nwo. The nwo was cool to see come in, and attack both Austin and Rock. The buildup and promos were awesome for the time.
The match Austin VS Hall was cool for what it was. Even though hall did have help from Kevin Nash. But Austin overcame the odds of hall and nash, and the stunner selling from Hall was great and one of the best stunners of all time. It was cool to see Austin win but if you were trying to build the nwo then I think Hall should have won instead of Steve Austin.
But the Rock vs hogan felt like a must-see main event. The match was a slow match but is my favorite WrestleMania match of all time because those two went out there and just did everything to keep the crowd happy. Also, both went out there and did what they needed to do. The audience was so into hogan instead of rock. Like they wanted hogan to win even though rock won the match which was the right move. So, I knew Hogan was going to turn baby face which he did after the match when the nwo came down and tried to beat down hogan which rock made the save. But that match was just so great that this WrestleMania became my favorite, and the match is my favorite WrestleMania match of all time.
I also enjoyed the buildup to Triple h vs Jericho even though the match was okay but hogan and rock should have gone on last. The match for the title just didn't hold up to the rock vs hogan match. But I did think it was great to see triple H win the title again but it just rock vs hogan was so big that it would have ended the show on a huge bang.
What Else Did I enjoyed and think about WrestleMania 18?
My favorite WrestleMania is WrestleMania 18 like I stated in the top. I liked the card top to bottom. I'm going to get into what I thought of the rest of the WrestleMania. The match card was really good, and the card look stacked.
The opening match between RVD and Regal was cool for what it was. Great to see RVD get the victory and win the intercontinental title. But other than the match was good, I felt like the match had no built up and was just thrown together at last minute.
I did enjoy the women's match with Lita, Trish, and Jazz. All three did good with what they had and put on a good performance. The ending was kind of a pick your spots and Jazz did that. Jazz won the match and retained her title.
I also liked the Undertaker vs Ric Flair. The match was good for what it was, and I thought the Arn spot was great. Great to see a spinebuster. Taker and Flair did put on a good match and cool to see Taker 10-0 at WrestleMania. I think he should have never lost at WrestleMania, years later.
I enjoyed the hardcore title defenses throughout the show. I thought the drop kick took away from the match from maven vs Goldust. That match was okay, but the hardcore skits even with molly turning on hurricane and the segment with Christian and maven where maven get the title back was very entertaining.
The title match between DDP VS Christian Wasn't that great and I kind of didn't care even though it was great to see DDP win the European title and have a WrestleMania moment.
The match between Edge vs Booker t, and don't forget this was because edge got the shampoo commercial that Booker t wanted. But the match was great for what it was. I can say I did enjoy it and great for edge to get the win.
Kurt Angle Vs Kane was thrown together at last minute and I can say I wish this had more build up because the match was okay for what it was. I just wasn't that invested going back and watching it. Kind of felt like two guys who need to be on WrestleMania and got thrown together in a match at the last minute. Great to see Kurt Angle win just wish this match meant more than it did when I watched it because both were great in 2002.
The fatal 4 way had 4 great tag teams and was good for what it was even though I never got the Billy and Chuck crap. I did like how they both Billy and Chuck cheated to win the belt. The APA looked kind of weak which we know they split up in the draft but one of my favorite tag teams.
I have my thoughts and even though I didn't care for a match or two on the show, this WrestleMania was stacked and definitely a great mania to watch.
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